
what is black history month?

black history month is an annually observed month dedicating the commemoration of black people, which originated in the united states, where it is also referred to as african-american history month. it originally used as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the african diaspora, initially lasting a week know as “negro history week” before 1970 when it became a federally recognized month-long observation. it is celebrated in february in the united states and canada, where it has received official recognition from governments, and more recently has also been celebrated in ireland and the united kingdom where it is observed in october.

Black History Collection

  • hidden figures: unsung black pioneers

    this segment focuses on historical and contemporary black figures who made groundbreaking contributions but have been overshadowed in mainstream narratives.

  • cultural legacies: black art, music, and literature

    this segment explores the vast and lasting impact of black creativity, from oral traditions to modern storytelling, music, and visual art. black culture has shaped global trends, yet its origins are often erased or diluted. this section aims to reclaim and celebrate those legacies and all of its forms.

  • modern movements: the evolution of black activism

    this segment connects past black liberation movements to modern societal struggles, showing how activism has evolved while many core issues remain the same. it’ll explore grassroots organizations, policy changes, digital activism, and the intersectionality of black justice movements.