a little something i wrote… (pt. 3)
two — (poem)
What do you see, when you see me?
Can you hear the richness in my blood?
Flowing back and forth as a northern-grown flower-bud hailing from the deep south
Not yet at its potential, but beginning to flourish
My tongue can’t be held down as it speaks my purpose
A gift that’s doubled as a curse
Deep southern hoodoo once murmured
Through my family’s hands
runs down my face, disguised as tears and sweat
as I fight to the next base
My ancestors call upon me
with intentions of pursuing what they once couldn’t
The questions that I once asked,
Aren’t answered,
Yet they whisper in the wind guiding my feet to the next step.
My history is not the brightest,
Maybe the dimmest,
But they represent love.
They represent the mistaken ferocity of love
Bought and sold, through unforeseeable separations
They represent the cherish-able love
What you would do to fight for what you want
They represent what can be taken and given.
They represent me,
Guiding me down a pre-paved way
not yet visible to the world to see.
The unforgivable truths,
My tongue can’t be held, as it speaks for those who couldn’t
It doubles as a curse and a gift.