Let’s Analyze What Happened on Jan. 6th, 2021

On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the united stated Capitol building endured an act of terrorism. Here’s a timeline explaining what went on that day:

It all started with a protest. Starting around 12 pm when President Donald J. Trump took the stage and spoke words of violence and obscurity in his speech. President Trump began his address by saying, “We will never give up, we will never concede. You don’t concede when there’s theft.” Followed by explicit instructions of him advising them to “Walk down to the capitol, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness.” 

I hope you see the problem here. Less than 8 months ago, the United States streets were filled with tears and strife because a man by the name of George Floyd was suffocated by the police and there was no justice. 

Around 1 pm, the rioters began to clash with the authority surrounding the capitol and breaking the barriers. This resulted in smoke bombs and teargas being exchanged from side to side. The officers seemed to only be using their teargas and nightstick (baton), yet many officers were getting hurt and 2, unfortunately, passed away from the conditions of the event.


Rushing ahead an hour, to 2 pm, rioters began to breach the capitol entering through broken windows they’ve broken and through the window washer’s cart. They were climbing the capitol walls, fighting and shoving more police barricades and around the same time, the police filed an evacuation order on the congressional offices and Library of Congress. Many were told to remove anything that identified their identity, that included badges, name tags, and/or medallions to project themselves as they had to sit through the entire attack.

At 2:20 pm, both chambers go into recess and US Chamber goes into lockdown, at this point the entire capitol is at stake as it’s been openly breached for about an hour. Which consisted of many offices being trashed, artifacts being looted or destroyed and defacing the American flag and in some cases replacing it with Trump’s flag.

Breona Taylor was shot point-blank in her own house in which the police broke into, but it didn’t count because they thought she was someone else, right? And now the streets get flooded with MAGA supporters and they grief the loss of their president’s election. I just don’t understand how only 7 people have died due to what happened at the capitol on Wednesday, and two of them were cops.

Around 3 pm, an unidentified woman was shot by an officer as she climbed through a broken window, she was rushed to the hospital and later pronounced dead. 

Five minutes later, at 3:05 pm President-elect Joe Biden began his address to the nation, “The words of a president matter… At their best, the worst of a president can inspire. At their worst, they can incite.”

Later on, Vice-president-elect Kamala Harris responded on Twitter pledging her support and alliance with Joe Biden, saying, “I join President-elect Joe Biden in calling for the assault on the Capitol and our nation’s public servants to end, and as he said ‘allow the work of democracy to go forward.”

Rioters were called thugs and criminals for speaking and acting on what they believe. While we’re speaking for life, liberty, justice, they speak hate and fight for the unfair government. I will never understand why we don’t get taught this history in school. In 1967 a California article stated, “May 2, 1967: Two dozen armed Negroes entered the state Capitol at noon today and 10 made their way to the back of the Assembly Chamber before they were disarmed and marched away by the state police. The Assembly was in session at the time and Speaker Pro Tem Carlos Bee ordered the men removed from the chamber. Outside the chamber, the police took away the weapons. The men argued they could carry the weapons as long as they were not concealed. Apparently, the fact the weapons were not concealed was the reason the men were able to get as far as the Assembly Chamber before they were disarmed. After the state police questioned the men, they returned the weapons to them because the intruders had broken no law. Following their release by the state police, the men left the Capitol and rejoined some companions who remained outside during the incident. They then drove off. Four or five carloads of the Black Panther group later drove into a service station at 15th and L Streets. Several police officers took the demonstrators to the city jail.” (The Sacramento Bee)


4:20 pm Trump uploaded a pre-recorded video onto all of his social media platforms praising the work his supporters have done, and saying, “This was a fraudulent election…” then he told advised them to return home. A couple of hours later, these videos would be removed from almost all of his platforms and it caused his Twitter, which he loves so much to be temporarily banned.

At 6 pm, the riots were cleared as the curfew for D.C. fell. The rioters and looters were peacefully escorted from the Capitol and none were arrested at that time.

At 11:41 pm, the house of congress streamed live as they announced the Electoral College votes were being recounted and certified! This eventually led to the 3:40 am announcement by Congress that certified Biden’s victory.

The last archive, in 2013, Miriam Carey and her young daughter were driving to their new hometown of D.C. as she made a U-turn a the White House checkpoint, leading security to fire 9 rounds into her car killing her, as her daughter was in the backseat. Let’s take a minute to ponder.


beau’s lonely heartz klub